Learning and Living
for a Sustainable Future!
The Urban Sustainability Centre was buzzing with life when it hosted the Westside High School Environmental Club for the first official programmes of the year. Learners from grades 4-7 were excited to try out the new activity stations in the Sustainable Activity House during the half day programmes that were hosted over 2 days. “NaDEET is a very nice place, we enjoyed the company and the staff is phenomenal. I enjoyed the shower the most, now I know I can use a cup to brush my teeth” said a grade 7 learner at the end of her visit.
Head Office
Libertina Amathila Ave 41, Swakopmund
Tel: +264 (0)81 367 5310
Email: admin@nadeet.org
Postal address
PO Box 8702, Swakopmund, Namibia
NaDEET Centre - NamibRand Nature Reserve - Maltahöhe
Tel: +264 (0)81-1257681
Trust Certificate No : T168/2003