Using a "We Practice what we Teach" Approach to Environmental Education | A Conversation with Viktoria Keding | NaDEET Director Viktoria Keding-Windhoek Ambassador Search | NaDEET: Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust - Bericht auf ARTE am 11.08.2010 | Namibie: Promouvoir le développement durable | NaDEET promotional video "Life in balance" | Interview with NaDEET's Director, Viktoria Keding | What's cooking with solar? | Thank you Windhoek Rotary Club | Heat, Dust and Dream - Song for NaDEET | Cooking the eco-friendly way |
Manicure NaDEET style! | Learning the A,B,Cs of recycling | Drying the recycled firebricks | Making recycled fire bricks | A good day's work | Making rope from recycled plastic bags | Recycled plastic baskets | Recycled firebrick briefing | Recycling | Nabasib PS |
Man with fuel efficient stove | Hardap Action Outreach group | Outreach group in the Kavango East Region | NaDEET team in Ndonga Linena | Explaining the Science behind Solar Cooking | Planting trees as a part of NaDEET's 365 Trees Project | NaDEET presentation at Frans Dimbare Youth Centre | Group with solar cookers | Community member with her NaDEET Centre raffle prize | Outreach at a school in the Kavango East region | Learning about sustainable lifestyles | Information board at N Mutschuana PS | Solar Cooking in Rietoog | Matron prepares bread at Edward Fredericks Primary School | Solar cooking and water awreness mural at Edward Frederick PS | School recieves solar cooking equipment: N Mutschuana PS | Dream mural in Gochas | Clean school mural at WJD Cloete JSS | Tree planting |
Participant using our "It's Time to Identify" booklet | Learner studies Wedge-snouted lizard on dune walk | Somewhere over the rainbow... | Setting up Sherman traps | Secondary students discuss endangered species | Explaining where the Namib sand comes from | Most dangerous animal? | NaDEET learners set up fence for the pitfall trap | Toktokkie beetles caught in nocturnal trap | Maltahohe Community Group | NaDEET learners on dune walk | Exploring magnetic properties of Namib sand | Namib Dune Gecko caught in trap | NaDEET learner inspects trapped insect | Learners use their sense of hearing to locate dune life | Learners use the sense of smell on dune walk | Dune Gerbil and Armoured Ground Cricket | Catch and release traps |
Learning about renewable electricity from the sun | Look! It works! | Solar absorption experiment | Solar oven demonstration | macaroni-courtesy of our sun | Fun with solar ovens | Learners inspect how solar energy is reflected into the oven | Solar baked muffins for morning tea | NaDEET students use hot boxes to keep food warm | Observing the Greenhouse Effect | Learners observe solar reflection | Making fuel-efficient stoves | NaDEET learners preparing lunch on solar cooker |
Dune boarding | Artistic depiction of the solar baking process | Home sweet home! | DD Guibib Primary School -Kids making fire bricks from recycled paper | St. George's College group photo | Contagious smiles | Dr Frans Indongo Primary School - Water monitoring | Participants making solar ovens | Evaluating the success of the community programme | Cooking on fuel-efficient stoves | Preparing meals in solar ovens | Environmental problem tree | Learners washing hands before lunch | An exercise in trust | Learners create dune art | A view from above |
Participants learn about the water cycle | Saving water? | Measuring the water tank | Boys pumping sewage | Learners carry out a water count everyday | Participants learn about bucket showering | Time for a shower! | Learners inspect the rain guage | Water transpiration experiement | Observing how plants collect water | Bathroom water tank | Water saving bucket showers are the best |