We have finally welcomed back day visitors to our new Urban Sustainability Centre. Schoolchildren and teachers that have come by are amazed with how much the centre has to offer. We are thrilled that our educational interactive exhibitions are reaching the intended purpose!
We now are embarking on the next phase to get the centre fully operational. This is to renovate to create a classroom, kitchen and abultion facilities. We still need help to realise this goal. Learn more about our plans here.
It is great to see our new interns jumping right in! Here Elizabeth, our environmental educator, is training one of our new interns, Noah, at being a Centre Assistant. All together three new interns have joined the team in June for a six-month post graduate internship. Looking forward to sharing our skills with you.
A month of happiness- living. learning and being free in the desert. Over the past 4 weeks, we worked with the Klein Windhoek Valley Rotary Club and their partners to bring 7 Khomas region schools to NaDEET Centre for a once in a lifetime opportunity. Days were filled with solar cooking, learning about the desert and making new friends. One of the schoolchildren wrote to us: "NaDEET is a fun, educational place. You learn new things- you should go here one day!"