Man with fuel efficient stove
Hardap Action Outreach group
Outreach group in the Kavango East Region
NaDEET team in Ndonga Linena
Explaining the Science behind Solar Cooking
Planting trees as a part of NaDEET's 365 Trees Project
NaDEET presentation at Frans Dimbare Youth Centre
Group with solar cookers
Community member with her NaDEET Centre raffle prize
Outreach at a school in the Kavango East region
Learning about sustainable lifestyles
Information board at N Mutschuana PS
Solar Cooking in Rietoog
Matron prepares bread at Edward Fredericks Primary School
Solar cooking and water awreness mural at Edward Frederick PS
School recieves solar cooking equipment: N Mutschuana PS
Dream mural in Gochas
Clean school mural at WJD Cloete JSS
Tree planting