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Dark Sky Reserve
NaDEET is the educational core of Africa’s first International Dark Sky Reserve

Learning and Living

for a Sustainable Future!

News Archive

Desert Happiness

A month of happiness- living. learning and being free in the desert. Over the past 4 weeks, we worked with the Klein Windhoek Valley Rotary Club and their partners to bring 7 Khomas region schools to NaDEET Centre for a once in a lifetime opportunity. Days were filled with solar cooking, learning about the desert and making new friends. One of the schoolchildren wrote to us: "NaDEET is a fun, educational place. You learn new things- you should go here one day!" 

Teacher Training at NaDEET Centre

Congratulations to our Teach for ESD teachers for successfully completing their first hands-on, practical training in ESD and sustainable living at NaDEET Centre. Over a period of almost two months we hosted a total of six groups of teachers from all 14 regions of the country. All teachers have received their Toolkit which is the foundation of learning and the two-year programme. We look forward to working with our teachers to support the implementation of environmental learning and action nationwide.

Teach for ESD 2024-2025 off to a great start

NaDEET Centre educator, Elizabeth, shared the importance and knowledge of solar cooking with our new Teach for ESD teachers at NaDEET Centre. Over a period of six weeks, we are hosting a total of 168 teachers from all 14 regions of Namibia for their first training workshop in sustainability and education for the environment! Check out the map of participants here

NaDEET is on the move

NaDEET's Head Office and Urban Sustainability Centre in Swakopmund have moved premises. We are now located at Libertina Amathila Avenue #41. With the generous support of the ProNamib Conservation Trust, we now have secure tenure and can invest in developing a cutting edge environmental education centre to serve our participants. Programmes are temporarily on hold while we renovate! Watch this space.

December 2023

20 Years of Quality Environmental Education

This year we celebrated 20 years of NaDEET! Thank you to all of our participants, donors and supporters who have made this possible. Read about our latest updates in the recent newsletter. We look forward to the next 20 years with you.

November 2023

University Students Taking Action

Over the past 2 years, five groups of university students from various environmental fields of study have taken part in our tertiary student engagement programme. After a week long sustainability training at NaDEET Centre, student groups were provided with small funds to take their ideas to implement an education and action activity. Most recently the NaDEET team joined the Ogongo Environmental Science students on their action day which included a litter clean up, solar cooking, tree planting and awareness raising activities.

Head Office
Libertina Amathila Ave 41, Swakopmund
Tel: +264 (0)81 367 5310 Email:

Postal address
PO Box 8702, Swakopmund, Namibia

NaDEET Centre - NamibRand Nature Reserve - Maltahöhe
Tel: +264 (0)81-1257681

Trust Certificate No : T168/2003

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