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Dark Sky Reserve
NaDEET is the educational core of Africa’s first International Dark Sky Reserve

Learning and Living

for a Sustainable Future!

April 2013

NaDEET in the news

Once again NaDEET is featured on the Deutsche Welle. Read the full article on how NaDEET is taking action against climate change on the D-W. In different news, a school in northern Germany has been fundraising to help support learners from //Oan-Ab Primary School in Rehoboth to come to NaDEET Centre. For the full story in German go to Freundschaft mit NaDEET.

Head Office
Libertina Amathila Ave 41, Swakopmund
Tel: +264 (0)81 367 5310 Email:

Postal address
PO Box 8702, Swakopmund, Namibia

NaDEET Centre - NamibRand Nature Reserve - Maltahöhe
Tel: +264 (0)81-1257681

Trust Certificate No : T168/2003

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