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Dark Sky Reserve
NaDEET is the educational core of Africa’s first International Dark Sky Reserve

Learning and Living

for a Sustainable Future!

October 2014

I slept in the dark last night, but now all my problems have been solved!

These remarks were made by our Gochas Community Liaison Officer, Berend Velskoen after he was awarded a SUN KING PRO solar light.  Having gone through the project for 9 months now, it is evident that participants are very keen to change their lifestyles to more sustainable practices and these lights are one the many benefits participants gains through the 2014-2016 European Union  funded action, ‘RUG for Sustainability’.

Head Office
Libertina Amathila Ave 41, Swakopmund
Tel: +264 (0)81 367 5310 Email:

Postal address
PO Box 8702, Swakopmund, Namibia

NaDEET Centre - NamibRand Nature Reserve - Maltahöhe
Tel: +264 (0)81-1257681

Trust Certificate No : T168/2003

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