Learning and Living
for a Sustainable Future!
“Closing the gap between learning for the environment and practicing for the environment”- were the words spoken by Hon. Deputy Minister of Education Anna Hipondoka to congratulate NaDEET in her keynote address at the celebration event in Windhoek. With the 2017 prize winner Sihlengeni Primary School from Zimbabwe, the event brought together international and local EE/ESD stakeholders to celebrate and share ideas. After the celebration, a fortunate group of 20 delegates travelled to NaDEET Centre for a two-day hands-on learning experience. Read here the reflections of one of the participants.
Head Office
Libertina Amathila Ave 41, Swakopmund
Tel: +264 (0)81 367 5310
Email: admin@nadeet.org
Postal address
PO Box 8702, Swakopmund, Namibia
NaDEET Centre - NamibRand Nature Reserve - Maltahöhe
Tel: +264 (0)81-1257681
Trust Certificate No : T168/2003