The Community Programme is a hands-on practical training course in sustainable living techniques and technologies. Based at NaDEET Centre, this programme focuses on improving household energy practices to help communities cope with environmental changes and improve their quality of life.
PARTICIPANTS: We welcome groups of approximately 20-30 adults from the same community. Participants should be involved with cooking at home and have decision-making power within their household. Participants are expected to implement their new knowledge and skills when they return home.
PROGRAMME LENGTH NaDEET: NaDEET offers a 4-day programme. It begins at 2 pm on Monday and ends at 9:30 am on Friday.
SAMPLE ACTIVITIES: Intensive Lessons in Solar Cooking & Baking, Construction of Fuel-efficient Stoves, Understanding Climate Change: Causes and Impacts, Taking a Look at Energy Efficiency: Comparing Fuel Sources & Stoves Monitoring Water Use. For a full sample community programme click here.
• Do you have to walk more than 5 km just to find firewood?
• Do you find yourself getting sick from cooking over a smoky open fire?
• Is electricity getting too expensive?
OUTPUTS: This programme will teach how to save time and money while improving the local environment. Participants will learn how to change household energy practices to live in a more sustainable way. Participants will learn how to:
• Assemble and cook with a parabolic solar cooker.
• Make and cook with recycled fire bricks.
• Conduct an environmental audit (including water, energy and waste).
• Understand the environmental crisis of climate change, and learn ways to adapt.
• Implement low-cost energy and water saving methods to minimize their “environmental footprint.”
• Envision and implement a more sustainable lifestyle
COST: NaDEET has an open door policy allowing our programmes to be accessible to all. We ask participants to contribute as much as they can to the total cost. Please contact us for a quote.